Friday, 17 June 2016


Simple definitions: Poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race. The belief that some races of people are better than others , and finally…… a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
       Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice. This actually point the fact that even among the black race, Racism exist (Tribalism or Ethnic Discrimination) Example “there are 5 people in the room and 1 Hausa man” the speaker do not regard the Hausa man as Human being.SMH.
Background:  Forms of racism and racial discrimination
 Moral racism:  The belief that a race of people is morally inferior, and as such members of that race are deserving of less respect and concern.
Genetic racism:  The belief that a race of people is genetically inferior, and as such members of that race are (on the average) less intelligent, and generally less capable.
These two forms of racism usually go together.  However, they are logically distinct and it is possible for someone to subscribe to one form of racism without subscribing to the other.Various practices in the U.S. which have been motivated by racism:
·  Slavery (treating human beings as disposable property, without rights or privileges).  Practiced mainly in the southern U.S. until the Civil War, outlawed in the U.S. by the 13th Amendment  in 1865.
·  Job discrimination (excluding people from jobs because of their race).  Outlawed at the national level in 1964.
·  Segregation (in schools, public places, sports, etc.).  Public segregation was outlawed in 1964. But Black sports men still face the dreadful act of Racism. 
 Racism Today
Racism still exists in the U.S. today, but there is much dispute over how pervasive and influential it is.  Many point to high rates of poverty and unemployment among blacks as strong evidence that racism is still very powerful.  Since the inherent abilities of different races are equal, it is argued, large differences in outcome are most plausibly explained by persistent racism.  Others claim that these statistics are not the result of racism against blacks, but are the result of other factors, such as high crime rates in the inner cities, low standards in public schools, the illegal drug trade, and urban cultural decay, all of which disproportionately affect blacks who are concentrated in urban areas for historical reasons.  Genetic racists see the same data as evidence of racial inferiority rather than discrimination.
       Today, claims of racial discrimination in employment are still common.  Another bone of contention is the relationship between police and racial minorities, especially blacks.  Do police departments tend to care more about protecting whites than blacks?  Do they tend to harass innocent blacks and use excessive force when apprehending black suspects?  Many would answer in the affirmative.
 Different forms of Affirmative Action
Weak Affirmative Action:  Taking steps to ensure that discrimination based on race, gender, or other illegal criteria is eliminated through legal remedies targeted at individuals. 
This might include:  (a) Severe penalties for those who have been found guilty of discrimination (e.g. paying a fine, being fired, etc.).  (b) Compensation for specific individuals who have been victims of discrimination (i.e. if an individual  is shown to have been denied a job because of his or her race, then the employer may be required to give that person the job or a comparable job).  (c)  Oversight by an independent government agency to monitor employment practices for evidence of discrimination.
 Medium Affirmative Action:  In cases where applicants (either for a job or college admission) are equally qualified, preference is given to the candidate who is a member of a racial group which has historically suffered from racial discrimination.
In medium affirmative action, race breaks ties.  It does not mean that a less qualified candidate is hired over a more qualified candidate.  In addition, medium affirmative action includes all of the protections of weak affirmative action.  Medium affirmative action might also include “outreach” programs, where special effort is made to seek out qualified minority candidates, rather than simply waiting for them to apply.
Strong Affirmative Action:  Giving a preference (or “special consideration”), in hiring or admissions, to members of racial groups which have historically suffered from racial discrimination, in order to achieve greater representation of those racial groups.
This might include:  (a) Requiring that the racial proportions of those hired/admitted are roughly the same as those in the relevant population (either local or general).  Thus, if about 14% of the population is black, then it is expected that about 14% of those hired be black.  This is what is often called “racial quotas”, and has been determined unconstitutional by the supreme court.  (b)  Giving members of certain racial groups a bonus when considering them for hiring or admission, so that their race is considered as a positive factor.  This will increase their representation but does not guarantee any specific proportion of the total.  This is the standard way in which AA is practiced in college admissions.
       Major and notable effect of Racism on victim is gradual MENTAL DEGRADATION (Omakun,2016).  Researchers also discovered the long term effect of Racism on victims ,especially women. researchers identified a surprising price for being a black woman in America. The study of 334 midlife women, published in the journal Health Psychology, examined links between different kinds of stress and risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Black women who pointed to racism as a source of stress in their lives, the researchers found, developed more plaque in their carotid arteries an early sign of heart disease than black women who did not. The difference was small but important making the report the first to link hardening of the arteries to racial discrimination .The study was just one in a fast growing field of research documenting how racism literally hurts the body. More than 100 studies most published since 2000 now document the effects of racial discrimination on physical health. Some link blood pressure to recollected encounters with bigotry. Others record the cardiovascular reactions of volunteers subjected to racist imagery in a lab. Forthcoming research will even peek into the workings of the brain during exposure to racist provocations.
       Now enough of all this grammar and lets come back home. I did not put up this article to create deep hatred for the white race, or for we blacks to spit on every white man in Africa. But it’s for us to reflect on how we treat our fellow black race. Do you discriminate because you are higher in status than the person next to you? Or you feel your religion is the ticket to heaven and you view others who do not shear your believe as a piece of shit.
       Any which way you discriminate your fellow black man, know that racism and tribal discrimination is as good as murder. Say No to RACISM, RELIGIOUS AND TRIBAL DISCRIMINATION.

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